support usa made
Private and Local Artists

you have the freedom to choose

For too long we've supported the big box stores and now we know that isn't the best thing for our communities. When you choose to support private businesses that manufacture their products right here in the USA, you're making a powerful statement about the kind of economy and community you want to foster. Whether you're drawn to natural, eco-friendly products or unique artisan designs, there's a vast array of American-made options waiting for you. By choosing to support these businesses, you're not only getting high-quality products but also investing in the future of our nation. More and more people are realizing that we do have the choice to support private business from companies that align with our values and contribute to our local communities. Take a look at the partnerships Do Life Healthier has made with local and other USA private companies that share our values and passions to make keep this country true to the foundations we were built on. 

Private US Manufacturer

Over 450 products made with natural ingredients including personal care, cleaning products, supplements and grass-fed beef, no hormones or antibiotics.
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shop our USA MAde products 

These are handpicked products made in the USA from private companies we have vetted ourselves.
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Grass Fed Beef Snacks

Regeneratively raised in the USA, grass-fed beef snacks - not jerky!
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Clutches, wallets and more leather goods as well as custom wood work like cutting boards and  custom jewelry.
Coming Soon


Custom Candles and Jewelry

Hand made from organic and non toxic ingredients these custom made candles will enlighten your senses.
Coming Soon

carnivore apparel